“Goal setting is a fascinating topic. One thing I have learned over the years is to make sure you know what comes next, before you even achieve your goal.”
Time after time I’ve seen people pour everything into their ‘A goal’ for the year and then become totally deflated, lost or even depressed, even if they smashed it. This is particularly true in sport. Having completed my first full distance triathlon (Ironman) in July of this year, the intensity of the training could easily have developed a dislike of anything involving swimming, cycling or running in me! I knew however throughout my training that swimming was my weakness. I couldn’t even do a length of my local baths 15 months ago.
So next years goal is another triathlon. This time a ‘half Ironman’. It’s what we call a 70.3 but this time I want to race the swim and not limp round with a combination of crawl, breast stroke and doggy paddle! Baseline swim tests this week and I’ve got myself a local swim coach who I hope can help me get to the next level. The stretch goal for 2019 …. Ironman Staffordshire 70.3 in a time of 5 hours 30 mins (or less!)
What’s your goal for 2019?