Harnessing the Power of Bee Pollen to Support Your Dog’s Allergies

Introduction: As pet owners, we always strive to provide the best care for our furry companions, especially when they are dealing with allergies. While traditional treatments can be effective, have you considered exploring natural remedies like bee pollen to alleviate your dog’s allergy symptoms? Traditional therapies prescribed have not helped our dog Max, so we …

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Our First trip in the van to Dunbar


Freedom means different things to different people. My definition would have to be something along the lines of ‘having the time, money and energy to do what I want to do without interference’. The Oxford Dictionary definition is somewhat similar; ‘the state of being able to act without hindrance or restraint; liberty of action’. I …

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Forever DX4 Review

Your Forever DX4 review is here! As it’s a new program with 4 new products in, we need some first hand user info. Here is your review of the all new Forever DX4. “I began the Forever DX4 after 2 years of pandemic that had swept by and boy, did I need it! I’d been …

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